(This is actually an easter picture, but the shades make it summery don't you think?)
I love the month of May. The anticipation of summer is so exciting. The days warm up (sometimes, more than I want), seniors graduate, you begin to hear the sounds of kid running around outside. It feels so alive. Even though I work full time, it feels like things slow down in the summer. Although, lately we haven't slowed a bit. I am really struggling with this, but I realized this weekend, that my struggles are my own fault. So I have come up with a list of things I am doing to slow down. I want this summer to be fun! I don't want to merely survive it. This thinking process is a direct result of my new years blog in which we formed a
family mission statement. Anyway, our mission was to create peace. And I feel we have not really done that great of a job. So back to the reason for this post... my list. Here goes -
1. I am getting a cleaning lady. Yes you heard me right. I am doing it. There is no shame in it, I cannot do everything, and I resent cleaning because I feel it pull me away from my family. So, if I intend to slow down this summer, I am going to get a cleaning lady.
2. I am getting out of some commitments I have previously made. Whether it is at church, with our extended family, with friends, whatever the case may be, I am learning the magic word "no" - I have been trying to learn that word for years. Obviously, still trying.
3. I am being selfish - just a little. I am committing to my daily time with the Lord and to a daily time of exercise. Just for me. How are we going to slow down If I am wound up so tight, it's as thought I might pop at any minute.
4. I am going to try to stop saying "Just a minute" when my girls call for me. Usually I am doing laundry, talking on the phone, cooking dinner, whatever. But what does it say to them when they say "Mommy, You are never going to believe this..." and I reply "Just a minute, I am finishing this load of clothes"
Note for my mom: I still plan to enforce the importance of waiting til I get off the phone for them to tell me something, and getting them to understand the importance of not screaming my name at the top of their lungs when they know I have gone to the bathroom! But I am working on the whole balance thing.
5. Boundaries - I feel this is the most important. I plan to implement healthy boundaries with all things in my life. My work, my relationships, my extracurricular activities - you get my drift. It is really true, that life is about balance, so I will be walking that tight rope, balancing away!
Keep you posted on the progress.
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