Have you ever celebrated the Chinese New Year? Well this was our first time, but we had a blast! There are lots of fun activities and crafts to do. AND if I had planned better, we would have eaten chinese food - or at least had a fortune cookie. However, I feel like we did it up right and learned a little in the process! Here is how we celebrated.
First we made a chinese firecracker. My baby girl painted a toilet paper roll red and we intended to draw chinese symbols on it with a gold paint pen, however, we ended up just with a red toilet paper roll - yikes. Still fun - painting is always a hit with a four year old!
Our next activity was to make chinese lanterns. We simply followed the tutorial here. It was a great cutting exercise for my girl. And since C is for Cutting and China... we were Cool!
The last activity was a snake exercise - since this is the year of the snake. I found a mask template here. Printed it, and stapled ribbon to it. We acted like snakes crawling around on our bellies, and made lots of ssssssssssilly sssssssssssssnake sssssssssssounds.
I also had a ssssssspiral sssssssnake exercisssssssssse (what? Too much?) for her to practice her cutting again.
Throw in a little google images on the ipad - and our celebration was a hit. I should also add that we did several countdowns (like you would for the new year - not sure if the chinese count it down, but hey... it was fun.) Practicing counting down from 5 then from 10. It was a good exercise for her and she had a blast! Like I said, next celebration we plan to have a little chinese food, and maybe some chop sticks :)
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