Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Christmas Cards

Top Ten Moments Christmas Card
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View the entire collection of cards.

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Thursday, October 28, 2010

The best chicken salad ever!

I was just over at www.listmama.com reading her list about why she prefers whole chickens, and I posted a comment about how I always cook my chicken in the crockpot. I guess I got inspired, so I decided to post my chicken salad recipe here. I have two, but one is a favorite of my mom and sister so I will give you that one.
As I start with a whole chicken and a crock pot. I do a rub under the skin of season salt and drop it in the crock pot with some water while I am at work. By the time I am home,it is falling off the bone!
Shred the chicken, stir in season salt (to taste) one cup of red grapes(I slice in half lenghth wise) 1/2 cup slivered almonds and 1/2 cup mayonnaise (sometimes more because... we just because I am from the south and mayonnaise makes everything better! So there!
Anyway... mix all together and there you have it. A wonderful go to chicken salad. I like to serve it on a croissant or maybe with a muffin. Any way you do it,is wonderful!

Monday, October 25, 2010

My Mission Statement

I was sitting in church yesterday listening to our pastor speak about vision. He used the scripture from Proverbs 29:18 - Where there is no vision the people perish...
That got me thinking about my vision, or goal. What is it. I mean, let's face it, I am not a blogger... at least not consistently... I am not a chef, but I want to be, I am not beautiful... at least not on the outside, I don't know fashion (unless a good pair of chacos are the latest trend) so who am I and what am I here for? I have been thinking on this and here is who I am.
* A Christian
* A Wife
* A Mother
* A Daughter
* A Sister
* Newly made and aunt (really proud of that one!)
* A Friend

What do I want to be?
* A better Christian, Wife, mother, daughter...you get the picture - and skinny.

* Time in the Word and in prayer and in a relationship with my Savior.
* Time with my Husband - loving him, listening to him, supporting him
* Time and Patience with my children
Are you seeing a pattern? I did as soon as I began this thought process. SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO what does that mean? Heck if I know, but I am working on it.

As a result of all this rambling I came up with an elementary mission statement, based loosely (very loosely) on the mission statement of the church where I attend, work, practically raise my children!

Here goes...
To love God, serve God, and be in relationship with God in all that I do. To respect my Husband as God told me to do in Ephesians, to take time with my children so they may feel my love for them, their father, and our Heavenly Father, and so they may be raised confidently knowing who they are and whose they are. And to manage my time and priorities so that my important relationships know they are important to me. And stop eating ;)

How's that? It's a rough draft, but I had to start somewhere, and putting it out there gives me some form of accountability. By the way, today I failed miserably, in every aspect of this new mission statement. I was emotional, I let my work bother me, I was impatient with my children, and the only time I spoke to my parents was to complain. Now I am sitting in bed beside my husband - love of my life - and I am on a stinking computer???!!! I am going to fix that, and be sure that he knows despite my ridiculous day riddled with failures that he is a wonderful man, and I am blessed to have him in my life. Then I will end the day in a conversation with my Heavenly father about how tomorrow he's gonna help me do a little better achieving this mission statement. (And that means not eating 2 sugar cookies - (picture and recipe to come soon!))

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Life is Imperfect

Today was the perfect imperfect day. How you ask? My prince went to work this morning after getting word that work isn't going so well. We were joking as we dressed this morning about it. Really, who jokes about job loss in an economy such as this. I mean there are NO jobs, especially for an architect. But what are you going to do, worry? "Who of you can add one more day to your life by worrying?" I believe that is Matthew 5 or somewhere in the Bible. Anyway. Not the perfect way to start a day, but hey, life is life, and definitely not perfect! Then there was bedtime...my little Cinderella wanted a bed time story. She wanted me to read "Dance Me Daddy" but instead of all the places it says daddy she said to substitute mommy. No offense to my prince - he is the apple of her eye, but I was the one in the room at the time - I am not kidding myself, I know how this works! ANYWAY, so I am reading the book and she is patting my let and smiling at me. If you haven't read the book, it is based on the song "King of the World" by Point of Grace. It is wonderful and comes with a CD. So there we sat in the soft blue room lit only by the little night light by her bed me rubbing her back, her head in my lap, listening to a song about a little girl and her dad. She hugged me and said :I just love you so much" GULP...what do you do? I just hugged back and said "I love you so much too!" So you see if this were the perfect setting, we'd be listening to some inspirational song like Bette Midler's "Wind Beneath My Wings" or something and just have read oh I don't know maybe Proverbs 34 about the virtuous woman. "Her children rise and call her blessed..." But we weren't yet it was PERFECT! Then off to help the prince with a research paper. He is in Graduate School and this is Finals Week. The perfect night with the man of your dreams doesn't typically consist of two laptops on a home made desk and lots of statistical reports, but it was. Why - we were together, working toward a common goal - Getting him an A+! Life is in the small things - and perfection is in the imperfection.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Quick and Healthy Side Dish

On a recent Sunday afternoon my in-laws were visiting and we decided to grill. Being the least organized person in the world, I had no real plan... so off to the pantry and fridge to see what concoction I could come up with. Ahh chicken... cannot go wrong with that, now for a side... and this is what i came up with. It was yummy!
This is the quickest pasta salad you will ever make, and really healthy. It is minimal because I used what I had, but leaves lots of room for variation.

1/2 box of Rotini Pasta (I used the tri-color - again... I had it on hand)
1 bag of frozen edemame - thawed
1 pint of grape tomatoes
Kosher salt and pepper to taste

Dress with a mixture of 1/3 c. olive oil, lemon juice (1 juicy lemon) zest of 1 lemon. (Hint...zest the lemon first.) and salt and pepper. I added a hint of Italian seasoning, but if I had some fresh herbs on hand, I would have used some flat leaf parsley or maybe cilantro.

Anyway... toss together and voila! You have one wonderful side dish.